Unity SDK

This page describes how to use the Game Chat Unity SDK.


The specifications required to use the Game Chat Unity SDK are as follows.

  • Minimum specifications: 2018.4.0 or later (If you need support for the lower version of Unity, then make an inquiry through Contact us.)

  • If you are a user of Unity editor in the 2019.4.X/2020.3.X/2021.1.X version, then make sure to use a version at or above 2019.4.29f1/2020.3.15f2/2021.1.16f1 respectively (versions where the Unity editor bug is fixed when building the AAB version).

Install SDK and configure environment

The following describes how to download Game Chat Unity SDK and configure a project in Unity.

  1. Click the Settings > Download SDK menus, in that order, and then click Download Unity SDK.

  2. Run Unity, and create a project.

  3. In Unity, click the Assets > Import Package > Custom Package... menus, in that order.

  4. Open the "GameChatUnitySDK_xxxxxxxx" file downloaded in the dashboard.

  5. Select all files in the package, and then click the [Import] button.

  6. Save the project.


Reset Game Chat instance

To initialize Game Chat instances using the Game Chat project ID, use the code below.


// When using in the Singapore region

Connect to Game Chat socket server

The following describes how to connect to a Game Chat socket server.

  1. Use the chat user ID to access a Game Chat socket server.

    • In a Game Chat project, the chat user ID is a unique value.

  2. Get the token value for using the API.

    • The token value renewed can be viewed after GameChat.connect.

  3. After acquiring the token value, check if the chat user information is renewed for the currently connected device.

    • The member data received with the GameChat.connect's callback is renewed data.

Use the following code to connect to the Game Chat socket server.

GameChat.connect(USER_ID,  (Member User, GameChatException Exception)=> 

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

Remove Game Chat server connection

To remove the connection with the Game Chat socket server, use the following code.


Chat user information update

Use the following code to save and update the chat user information after a successful connect.

Edit nickname

GameChat.setNickname(USER_ID, NickName, (member, exception) =>
    if (exception != null)
        // Error handling

Edit profile URL

GameChat.setProfileUrl(USER_ID, ProfileUrl, (member, exception) =>
    if (exception != null)
        // Error handling

Subscribe and unsubscribe to channel

Use the following code to subscribe or unsubscribe to a specific channel.



Send message

Use the following code to send a message to a specific channel.

GameChat.sendMessage(CHANNEL_ID, MESSAGE);

When @[User ID] space [Message content] is entered for the MESSAGE parameter

@user_id message content

In the above case, if the username has a history of being logged in, the "mentions" information from the message details is the user ID.

Register and remove event

Use the following code to register or remove a custom handler for events received from a Game Chat socket server.

GameChat.dispatcher.(EVENT_NAME) += (CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
public delegate void onConnectedCallback(string data);
public onConnectedCallback onConnected;
//Callback regarding "connect" events

public delegate void onDisconnectedCallback(string reason);
public onDisconnectedCallback onDisconnected;
//Callback regarding "disconnect" events

public delegate void onMessageReceivedCallback(Message message);
public onMessageReceivedCallback onMessageReceived;
//Callback regarding "message" events

public delegate void onUserAddedCallback(UserInfo userinfo);
public onUserAddedCallback onUserAdded;
//Callback regarding "usedAdded" events

public delegate void onUserRemovedCallback(Message message);
public onUserRemovedCallback onUserRemoved;
//Callback regarding "userRemoved" events

public delegate void onErrorReceivedCallback(string result, GameChatException exception);
public onErrorReceivedCallback onErrorReceived;
//Callback regarding "error" events


The public class for exceptions occurring while using the Game Chat API is as follows.

public class GameChatException
    // Detail Error Code
    // Unknown error
    public static readonly int CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR           = 0;
    // Initialization failed
    public static readonly int CODE_NOT_INITALIZE           = 1;
    // Invalid parameter
    public static readonly int CODE_INVAILD_PARAM           = 2;  
    // Errors occurred from the socket server
    public static readonly int CODE_SOCKET_SERVER_ERROR     = 500;
    //Errors occurred from the socket
    public static readonly int CODE_SOCKET_ERROR = -501;
    // Network connection error or timeout occurred
    public static readonly int CODE_SERVER_NETWORK_ERROR    = 4002;
    // Error occurred when parsing data received from the server
    public static readonly int CODE_SERVER_PARSING_ERROR    = 4003;

    // For HTTP errors, the status code is sent as the response code. (400, 403 ...)

    // Error Code
    public int code { get; set; }
    // Error Message
    public string message { get; set; }

Client API

Subscribe to channel

Subscription Data Class (per Unit)

public class Subscription
    public string id;
    public string channel_id;
    public string user_id;
    public string created_at;

Import channel subscription list

Use the following code to import the subscription data of a specific channel in the form of a list.

GameChat.getSubscriptions(CHANNEL_ID, OFFSET, LIMIT, (List<Subscription> Subscriptions, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    foreach(Subscription elem in Subscriptions)
        //handling each subscription instance


Channel Data Class (per Unit)

public class Channel
    public string id;
    public string project_id;
    public string unique_id;
    public string name;
    public string user_id;
    public string created_at;
    public string updated_at;

Import channel list

Use the following code to import the channel data of a project in the form of a list.

GameChat.getChannels(OFFSET, LIMIT, (List<Channel> Channels, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    foreach(Channel elem in Channels)
        //handling each channelInfo instance

Import channel data

Use the following code to import channel data using the channel ID and unique ID.

//Put null in the CHANNEL_UNIQUE_ID parameter if you want to search only by CHANNEL_ID.

//If both the CHANNEL_ID and CHANNEL_UNIQUE_ID values exist, then it searches by prioritizing the CHANNEL_UNIQUE_ID value.

GameChat.getChannel(CHANNEL_ID, CHANNEL_UNIQUE_ID,  (Channel Channel, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    //handling channelInfo instance
GameChat.getChannel(CHANNEL_UNIQUE_ID, (Channel Channel, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    //handling channelInfo instance

Create and delete channel

You must use an open API to create or delete a new channel within a project. Due to security concerns, we recommend that you use an open API to create and update channels directly from Server to Server. For more information, see the Game Chat API Guide.


(Received) Message Data Class (per Unit)

public class Message
    public class User
        public string id;
        public string name;
        public string profile;

    public string message_id;
    public string channel_id;
    public string message_type;
    public string content;

    public string[] mentions;
    public bool mentions_everyone;
    public User sender;
    public string created_at;

Import message list

Use the following code to import the message data of a specific channel in the form of a list.

GameChat.getMessages(CHANNEL_ID, OFFSET, LIMIT, SEARCH, QUERY, SORT, (List<Message> Messages, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    foreach(Message elem in Messages)
        //handling each message instance

Translate messages

If the automatic translation feature is activated, then arbitrary text can be translated into the specified language. The automatic translation feature can be used after integrating with the Papago Translation service.

(Received) Translation Data Class (per Unit)

public class Translation
    public string detectLang = "";
    public string lang = "";
    public bool translated = false;
    public string message = "";


For more information on source language codes and target language codes, see the Papago Text Translation API Guide.

GameChat.translateMessage(CHANNEL_ID, SORCE_LANG, TARTGET_LANG, TEXT, (List<Translation> Translations, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    foreach(Translation elem in Translations)
        //handling each Translation instance

GameChat.translateMessage(SORCE_LANG, TARTGET_LANG, TEXT, (List<Translation> Translations, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling

    foreach(Translation elem in Translations)
        //handling each Translation instance

Chat user

(Received) Member Data Class (per Unit)

public class Member
    public string id = "";
    public string project_id = "";
    public string nickname = "";
    public string profile_url = "";
    public string country = "";
    public string remoteip = "";
    public string adid = "";
    public string device = "";
    public string network = "";
    public string version = "";
    public string model = "";
    public string logined_at = "";
    public string created_at = "";
    public string updated_at = "";

Chat user information update

You can update the user information of a chat server.

// Chat user nickname update
// The strings allowed for nicknames are 2 to 128 characters in length, excluding whitespaces (spaces, tabs, and line breaks).
GameChat.setName(MEMBER_ID, NAME, (Member member, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling
    //handling updated Member instance

//Chat user profile image URL update
GameChat.setProfileUrl(MEMBER_ID, PROFILE_URL, (Member member, GameChatException Exception) => {

    if(Exception != null)
        // Error handling
    //handling updated Member instance

This helper class facilitates easy handling of emojis and hyperlink text included in the received message.

  • Since TMP_GameChatTextUGUI is an extension class of TextMeshPro, a built-in asset of Unity, you must use first use Package Manager to install TextMeshPro.

  • The TextMeshPro asset is included as a built-in asset from Unity 2018.2 or later.

  • The default output of emoji sprite sheets is available from Emoji v13.0 (Android). You can change and customize the sprite sheet.

namespace GameChatUnity.Extension
    public class TMP_GameChatTextUGUI : TextMeshProUGUI
        public bool isHyperLinked { get; set; }    // Whether to process link-type addresses as hyperlinks (append html tag)
        public string LinkTextColor { get; set; }  // hyperlink text color


using GameChatUnity.Extension;

TMP_GameChatTextUGUI message = msgObject.GetComponent<TMP_GameChatTextUGUI>();

//Insert text through setMessage for hyperlink recognition and processing.
message.color = Color.green;
message.isHyperLinked = true;


msgObject = Instantiate(msgObject) as GameObject;


// Manually implement the click event listener for hyperlinks.

//Handling with TMP_LinkInfo
TMP_LinkInfo linkInfoArr = message.textInfo.linkInfo[LINK_INDEX];


Last updated