

After initialization is complete, you can log in by entering your username, name, and profile image address (optional).


await nc.Connect(
    id: [USERNAME],
    name: [NAME],
    profile: [PROFILE_URL],
    language: [LANGUAGE],
    customField: [CUSTOM_FIELD],
    token: [TOKEN]


  • Obtain a token through the API for log-in security.

  • API DOCS TOKEN lets you use a token issued through the API.

  • If you do not want to use the token method, set disable in Dashboard > Security settings > Token authentication.

Terminate access

Use the code below to disconnect from the connected Game Chat server.

await nc.Disconnect();

User information

  • Member Data Class

Import user information

Gets information about a specific ID (only the nickname is sent for security reasons).

Hashtable filter = new Hashtable
    { "id", [USER_ID] }
Hashtable sort = new Hashtable
    { "created_at", -1 }
Hashtable option = new Hashtable
    { "offset", 0 },
    { "per_page", 10 }
var users = await nc.getUsers(filter, sort, option);
  • Parameters

  • Options

Last updated